Cooking Tools & Gadgets

A food processor and immersion blender are the best gadgets

I love my food processor and use it all the time for making pesto, chopping a lot of garlic, salad dressings, doughs, dips, grating beets or cheese. The endless list of jobs that are made simple with the processor is amazing. I have had the…

How to buy a chef’s knife

I am constantly asked by my students what type of knife to buy, how to take care of them and how to sharpen. Stay tuned for my video series on knife skills but until then here are a few guidelines. Buy a knife that feels good in your hand.…

Cast iron is the original non-stick pan

I was lucky enough to inherit three of them from my mother's collection when she passed away, having asked her for them years ahead. After all, with three daughters she was bound to think of splitting them between us if I hadn't nabbed them…